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Southern Pines Veterans Parade Application

Saturday, 9 November 2024

The purpose of the Southern Pines Veterans Parade is to "Support Our Troops and Honor Our Veterans". We honor our country’s living veterans, active military personnel, and congressionally recognized American Veteran Service Organizations from WWI to current day forces and their auxiliaries. To participate in the parade complete and submit this application no later than 25 October. For details visit:

The parade committee reserves the right to limit the size/scope of individual entries to maintain the best overall quality of the event.

Type of Parade Entry

Individual veterans are welcome to join the parade section dedicated to their period of service (WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War, Iraq, Afghanistan) at the beginning of the parade. Assembly areas will be marked.

CONTRACT/AGREEMENT: I, the undersigned, understand that completing this application does not guarantee my entry's approval. I agree that if my entry is approved, it will meet all specifications as noted in the attached rules and subsequent confirmation letter and that I will ensure each member of my group reads and understands the rules associated with this application. I understand that I will not be allowed to go through the parade if my group violates these rules and regulations. My group is fully responsible for its actions, and it holds the parade organizers, owners, donors, sponsors, and coordinators harmless from all claims for damages, injuries (including death), and property damage arising from our involvement in the 2024 Southern Pines Veterans Parade. I release the Town of Southern Pines, the Parade Committee, Parade Chairman, and any board members, volunteers, or affiliates of the foregoing of responsibility for any indemnity.

The Southern Pines Veterans Parade

Support Our Troops, Honor Our Veterans, strengthen our community

The United States Armed Forces

The use of this program is not an endorsement of the

Southern Pines Veterans Parade in The Sandhills (SPVP) by the

Fire Fighters, Police, First Responders, and the US Military.

 SPVP is a tax-exempt public charity (federal tax ID # 32-053061).

 All contributions are tax deductivle to the extent allowable by law.

©2024 by Southern Pines Veterans Parade in The Sandhills

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